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Established in 1952
2024 -2025 Officers, Directors and Committee Chairs
About the League of Women Voters of Bowling Green, Ohio
The purpose of the League of Women Voters of Bowling Green shall be to promote political responsibility through informed and active participation of citizens in government, to increase understanding of major public policy issues and to influence public policy through education and advocacy.
We provide information about candidates and issues for voters
We assist in registering new voters and in encouraging registered voters to vote
The League does not support or oppose any political party or candidate, only issues.
We assist by studying governmental issues, coming to consensus on positions and then taking action
Purpose and Principles
The purpose of the League of Women Voters of Bowling Green shall be to promote political responsibility through informed and active participation of citizens in government, to increase understanding of major public policy issues and to influence public policy through education and advocacy.
The Principles that the League of Women Voters of Bowling Green holds are the same as those of the LWVUS.
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